We often talk about hair care mistakes to avoid but we seem to forget the most important ones which are scalp care mistakes. Scalp care is so fundamental in your natural hair journey and should never be taken for granted. Alright. Let’s dig in and find out what these mistakes are.

Do Not Do The Job Of A Dermatologist Or Toxicologist Except You Are One.
Most times when people come to me for remedies on scalp issues they are having, the first thing I do is to recommend them to a dermatologist or toxicologist as the case maybe. The reason I do this is because 90% of scalp issues are mostly internal and majorly indicate an underlying problem with the person’s body so no matter how many products you heap on the outside (the scalp issue) without really tackling what is going on on the inside, you are wasting your time. Also, do not try to treat them on your own using countless DIYs. Go to a dermatologist for a proper checkup and diagnosis. He/she will also recommend the best treatment for it if it is something internal. Stop doing the job of a dermatologist or toxicologist unless you are one.
Taking Scalp Care For Granted.
It’s all about how long your natural hair will grow but what of the scalp where the hair grows out from? You need to create a good scalp care routine. If your scalp is always itchy, dry, excessively oily and flaky, you need to pause and start taking care of your scalp. Click HERE for a detailed guide on creating a scalp care routine that works and HERE to download a free ebook on understanding how the scalp determines how long your natural hair will grow. This book is filled with tons of DIY recipes you shouldn’t miss.
Using The Wrong Products On The Scalp.
If you apply deep conditioners, leave-in conditioners and hair butters to your scalp, you need to stop because they clog your scalp which in turn causes itchiness, dandruff and scalp irritations. The only type of products meant for your scalp are products specifically formulated with scalp characteristics in mind which are oils. A good scalp oil should be clean and vegan, lightweight to avoid clogging the scalp, penetrating, stimulating and effective. I highly recommend the Reina hair and scalp serum plus the Elixir if you are experiencing hair loss. These oils are very stimulating and effective. If you are concerned about your scalp care, those oils should be your staple scalp care products.
Tell me, what other scalp care mistakes have you made in the past, let’s chat in the comments!
Created by Viola Ekene for Reina HairCare.