This post is a little different from what you’d typically see on natural hair blogs because it tackles the very foundation of our natural hair journey which is scalp care. Scalp care is so underrated and that is why there are tons of complaints on dry scalp, itchiness, dandruff and so on. Here are three reasons scalp care is essential in your natural hair journey.

Your Hair Grows Out From Your Scalp: It is imperative we also take care of the scalp as that’s where hair grows out from and if there are any alterations to that balance, scalp issues start to occur. The scalp has hair follicles that are responsible for growing hair which happens in three different phases. The follicles also determine your hair and scalp type. If damaged, it will stop producing hair and your hair growth cycle will slow down. For more information on how to determine your scalp type, click HERE to download this free eBook on scalp care
Related: Top Three Scalp Care Mistakes To Avoid.
Your Scalp Is Skin: This is probably one of my most used sentences. The day you start taking care of and paying attention to your scalp the same way you do for your skin is the same day you’ll start seeing a lot of changes. How can you moisturize your skin every day after having your bath or when it feels ashy but will never re-moisturize your scalp not even once within the week? Sis, think about it. The only difference between the scalp and the skin are the environments. While the scalp is in a more humid environment, the skin isn’t. Your scalp type might not be the dry type. It’s just that you don’t re-moisturize and seal in the moisture.
Related: How To Establish A Scalp Care Routine That Will Work For You.
If You Take Care Of Your Scalp, Your Hair Will Flourish: Maybe you’ve tried all sorts of remedies and treatments on your hair but it won’t just work. It’s time to pay attention to your scalp. Do you have a healthy consistent scalp care routine? Are the products you apply on your scalp too heavy that they clog your pores and cause itchiness? Are your protective styles always too tight? Do you have hand in hair syndrome? Is your scalp experiencing years of trauma from relaxer burns? Is the tail comb you use in parting your hair too sharp and pointed that it leaves your scalp red and sore? It’s time to change your perspective and tackle these real issues.
I hope this post makes you think deeply and face the most fundamental issue in your natural hair journey; SCALP CARE.
Created by Viola Ekene for Reina HairCare.